Use cases


Unprecedented connectivity at Helsinky Airport with private LTE

by Nokia (with Ukkoverkot & Finavia) This video shows some use cases around private LTE networks in an airport such as Helsinky airport. We can understand the advantage of this LTE technology but also the advantage of the private network. What could be more secure than a dedicated network to interconnect all operational and

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Telcos need hand-holding on private 5G for industry, says Air France

Article written by James Blackman on the enterprise website IOT insight following the speaking at the 5G Realised event in London (September 9).

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5G private wireless networks are changing the game for MRO organizations by Thomas Rehberg from Nokia

MRO is one of the activities whose efficiency can be rapidly improved through better connectivity via 5G and private networks. Nokia was able to test it with Lufthansa tecknik among others and learnt from it. This post from Nokia (by Thomas Rehberg) explains it very well.

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