
Private Mobile Network


AGURRE (Association of Large Users of Radio Operating Networks), created in 2012, now has 15 members with the recent arrival of Total.

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5G private wireless networks are changing the game for MRO organizations by Thomas Rehberg from Nokia

MRO is one of the activities whose efficiency can be rapidly improved through better connectivity via 5G and private networks. Nokia was able to test it with Lufthansa tecknik among others and learnt from it. This post from Nokia (by Thomas Rehberg) explains it very well.

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Private Mobile Network

Axians Mobile Private Networks France

No less than 21 sites dedicated to the Mobile Private Networks business throughout France. Axians Réseaux Mobiles Privés France represents a good national coverage in terms of services, integration of critical connectivity solutions from Tetra or DMR to private LTE, but also in terms of applications dedicated to operational staff. Its knowledge and expertise in

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Cellnex is developing Private LTE & 5G Networks for Critical Communications

More and more messages about critical and massive IOTs, security, confidentiality, high capacity and availability, low latency. These are key words that we know very well when we think about private LTE networks. pleased to see Cellnex develop private LTE & 5G networks for critical communications. post from Carles Diego – Mission Critical and

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Announce from Tarmac Technologies and Founder Factory

They announce that they are officially joining Founders Factory in their travel program. Their skilful team will be working with them to improve their offering and develop their customer base worldwide. This is the perfect time to use digitalisation to increase efficiency and improve safety ! Tarmac Technologies is building a universal monitoring platform

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