Interesting white paper written by AWS. The link between the Cloud, IIOT and critical connectivity is on its way, but the link between things and critical collaborative solutions further enhances the business case for new projects. I think the link between the different services needs to be made (not only different providers of cloud, telecoms, soft editors and others but also in the internal organisation of verticals). What could be better than coordinating deployment projects between different operating businesses and voice and data services (IT domain) to optimize the cost of private network deployments? Isn’t the expected service of critical voice networks optimized by connecting IIOTs ?
One remark is in fact, I think that the model is not really all private or all public or all in the cloud or all on premise… but every need of verticals has one or more solutions. The hybrid solution between public and private, on premise or in the cloud (etc) will be the opportunity to optimize the solution but especially to align the solutions with the real services expected by the companies.
See the article on this link