
white paper about “Mobile Private Networks powered by AWS

Interesting white paper written by AWS. The link between the Cloud, IIOT and critical connectivity is on its way, but the link between things and critical collaborative solutions further enhances the business case for new projects. I think the link between the different services needs to be made (not only different providers of cloud, telecoms,

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Unlicensed LTE & 5G NR RAN infrastructure a $1.3 Billion opportunity

DUBAI, UAE. 10th December 2020: SNS Telecom & IT‘s latest research report indicates that annual spending on LTE and 5G NR RAN (Radio Access Network) infrastructure operating in unlicensed spectrum will reach $1.3 Billion by 2023, despite competition from non-3GPP wireless technologies and the ongoing economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Source James Bennett – Director,

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5G’s influence on architectures

CIGREF Report (august 2020) 5G: Preparations and opportunities – 5G’s influence on architectures This report is the result of the reflections of its working group “Influence of 5G on architectures”, led by Thierry Borgel, Director S.I. & digital at Icade. Interesting document to better understand how to prepare the arrival of 5G in companies, a

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Germany sees ‘great interest’ in private 5G networks

Excellent news about the Private networks ecosystem : “Germany’s telecoms regulator has awarded 88 licences for private 5G networks in the past 12 months and expects many more applications to come.” What do French companies do after more than 15 months of allocation by Arcep of LTE frequency spectrum dedicated to companies ? https://telecoms.com/507600/germany-sees-great-interest-in-private-5g-networks/

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“Private networks that use LTE and/or 5G have the potential to provide reliable, high-performance, secure wireless communications, thereby fulfilling enterprises’ business-critical needs.”

article written by Jacopo Pichelli & Malek El Damouri by Analysys Mason There is more and more “noise” around the private network market and this article highlights this trend as well as the place of MNO’s in this sector. https://www.analysysmason.com/about-us/news/newsletter/5g-lte-networks-quarterly-oct2020/ “Mobile network operators have an opportunity in the private LTE/5G networks market” “Mobile network operators should

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Accelerating Open RAN Innovation by Vodafone

Interview by Ray Le Maistre (Editorial Director -Telecom TV) of Yago Tenorio (Head of group Network Architecture – Vodafone) The Open RAN ecosystem is coming (but is not yet well established) and will be good for mission-critical private connectivity to expand the number of solutions for Verticals. This interview is to watch. https://youtu.be/S8DlRJqOfNQ

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Verizon taps up Nokia for private 5G push written

Interesting article by Mary Lennighan on Telecom.com site about the 5G private networks with Nokia and Verizon but also with AT&T in USA…It seems that MNOs will soon reach the perimeter of the Verticals and their private networks. https://telecoms.com/507011/verizon-taps-up-nokia-for-private-5g-push/

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Edge Data Center strategy and solutions in Asia Pacific

https://w.media/webinar/edge-data-center-strategy-solutions-asia-pacific/ Not to be missed, this event is very much oriented towards Asia and Pacific, but the use cases and the needs of the Verticals remain the same. Technical solutions should also be universal for the eco-system expected from Verticals, it is to see.

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Telcos need hand-holding on private 5G for industry, says Air France

Article written by James Blackman on the enterprise website IOT insight following the speaking at the 5G Realised event in London (September 9). https://enterpriseiotinsights.com/20200909/channels/news/telcos-need-hand-holding-on-private-5g-for-industry-says-air-france?utm_campaign=20200910%20Enterprise%20IoT%20NewsletterThurs&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua

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