

Private Networks Forum on May 25th

A virtual event Brought to you by: . A full day of keynotes, interviews and panel discussions to explore the question: Are private networks the key to driving enterprises into the Industry 4.0 era ? You can find the link there

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Wireless connectivity use case scenarios

written by AGURRE Members. The English version of this white paper was announced a few weeks ago.And I am proud to announce the publication of this first white paper designed by AGURRE members. “Wireless connectivity use case scenarios”. This document presents various use cases common to different sectors such as energy and transport, but also

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The Smart Ports Value Calculator

If you are a port or shipping company, this “Connected Port” report written by Ericsson is a must read. And to be sure of the real interest of the 5G private network in the ports, you will also find the ROI calculator. It is mainly about IOT and new services related to these intelligent ports,

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private 5G at Hanover Fairground

A new use case for the private 5G network, reported by Enterprise IOT Insights. I think Germany is really leading the way in deploying this kind of networks for industry. Congratulations! I envy Germany because at the same time what’s happening in France and some other European countries ? We’re testing 5G millimeter wave, a

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Druid Signs Agreement Pierson Wireless

“The open architecture, simple deployment and scalability of the RAEMISTM platform position it well for our private LTE network business. Having the support of the DRUID team ensures we can provide a high performing network solution to customers of all sizes at a competitive price point.” by Roderick Maddox, Network Director for Pierson Wireless There

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Private 5G Networks serve the mining industry in Russia

Ericsson and Russian telecom provider MTS have teamed up to deliver EVRAZ’s Sheregeshskaya mine a dedicated private network. NEWS Blog Ericsson FEB 09, 2021 After airports, airlines, power plants, ports and other industries, the mining industry is interested in private 5G networks. It is one of the industries to make the most of these private networks, due

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FirstPoint is Mobile Breakthrough Awards “Startup of the Year 2020”.

There is no mobile network (private or public, critical or not) without cellular cybersecurity, which is becoming increasingly important with the advent of Industry 5.0 and IIOT. Firstpoint seems to be able, like any startup, to adapt its products and services as needed and therefore to private enterprise cellular networks. This is good news for

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The Shared & Unlicensed Spectrum LTE/5G Network Ecosystem

Please find below the link to the latest research report on LTE and 5G NR shared spectrum networks (by SNS Telecom and IT) https://www.snstelecom.com/shared-spectrum I have extracted this part of the synopsis where you can see the most remarkable countries (in bold) that have put in place rules, not all of them identical, concerning the

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